JURNAL EKONOMI https://jurnal.stiemuhcilacap.ac.id/index.php/je511 <p>Jurnal Ekonomi (JEKO)&nbsp;STIE Muhammadiyah Cilacap&nbsp;mempublikasikan artikel ilmiah yang memuat hasil penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat mengenai ilmu-ilmu ekonomi, manajemen dan akuntansi.</p> en-US JURNAL EKONOMI 1693-5748 PENGARUH MODAL, TINGKAT PENDIDIKAN, DAN LAMA USAHA TERHADAP PENDAPATAN PEDAGANG DI PASAR INDUK KECAMATAN MAJENANG https://jurnal.stiemuhcilacap.ac.id/index.php/je511/article/view/256 <p><em>This study aims to examine the effect of Capital (X<sub>1</sub>), Education Level (X<sub>2</sub>), and Length of Business (X<sub>3</sub>) on Trader Income (Y) at the Central Market in Majenang District. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires to 120 traders at the Central Market in Majenang District. The sampling technique in this study used accidental sampling. Data analysis techniques used include validity test, reliability test, MSI (Method of Successive Interval) test, classic assumption test includes linearity test, normality test, multicollinearity test, and heteroscedasticity test, multiple linear regression analysis, hypothesis testing includes t-test and test F, analysis of the coefficient of determination (R²). The analysis results show that capital has a significant effect on the income of traders in the Main Market, Majenang District. The two levels of education significantly affect the income of traders in the Main Market, Majenang District. The three lengths of business have a significant effect on the income of traders in the Main Market, Majenang District. The four capitals, level of education, and length of business simultaneously significantly affect the income of traders at the Central Market in Majenang District.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: Capital, Education Level, Length of Business, Income</em></strong></p> Naeni Hikmawati Esih Jayanti Zamroni Z Copyright (c) 2025 JURNAL EKONOMI 2025-02-01 2025-02-01 15 1 1 15 PENGARUH KEPEMIMPINAN, MOTIVASI, DAN LINGKUNGAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI KECAMATAN (Studi Kasus pada Pegawai Kantor Kecamatan Cipari dan Pegawai Kantor Kecamatan Kedungreja) https://jurnal.stiemuhcilacap.ac.id/index.php/je511/article/view/257 <p><em>This research aims to determine the influence of leadership, motivation and work environment on the performance of sub-district employees. The method used in this research uses quantitative methods and the sample used in this research was 31 respondents. Data collection method using questionnaires. Data analysis used multiple regression analysis. The results of the research show that in the F regression test carried out it was found that all variables including leadership, motivation and work environment simultaneously influenced the performance of sub-district employees. This is indicated by the F test value which produced a calculated F value of 10.325 which is greater than F table 2. 96. Based on the results of the T test carried out partially, the variables that influence employee performance are leadership. This is indicated by the calculated T value of 2.771, while the motivation variable is 1.727 and the work environment is 1.270, which partially has no effect on employee performance.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keyword: </em></strong><em>leadership, motivation and work environment</em></p> Fakhri Bari Prasetyo Rustina Dewi Werdiasih Sudiyono S Copyright (c) 2025-02-11 2025-02-11 15 1 16 33 PENGARUH MOTIVASI KARIR, KECERDASAN ADVERSITY, PERTIMBANGAN PASAR KERJA, DAN FINANCIAL REWARDS TERHADAP MINAT BERKARIR SEBAGAI SEORANG AKUNTAN PUBLIK https://jurnal.stiemuhcilacap.ac.id/index.php/je511/article/view/262 <p><em>Abstract ditulis dalam This study aimed to test hypothesis the effect of career motivation, adversity quotient, labor market consideration, and financial rewards career interest as a public accountant. The type of this research is quantitative research using primary data, which is the the population of this research is from Universitas Jenderal Soedirman and Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto students. The method used in this research is purposive sampling method which is the criteria of this research is student batch 2021 and has attend to auditing class. Based on the purposive sampling method that was calculate, 169 respondents obtained. The data in this research was processed using SPSS application and using multiple linear regression method, and in this research also used descriptive statistics, data quality test, classical assumption test, and hypothesis testing. The result of this research shown the career </em><em>motivation, adversity quotient, labor market consideration, and financial rewards recognition positive effect on career interest as a public accountant.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>adversity quotient, labor market consideration, financial rewards, public accountant</em></p> Khaerunisa Rahayu Anggraeni Eri Kristanto Copyright (c) 2025 JURNAL EKONOMI 2025-03-01 2025-03-01 15 1 34 43